Day 11 Bleeding

I just wanted to post to vent/maybe quell some anxieties about bleeding. When I got the tonsillectomy on the 14th, they told me about the chance of bleeding, I have OCD so it was something on my mind frequently and I kept wondering if I would bleed to death in my sleep or if I would just not realize I was bleeding. Fortunately, that is not the case, at all.

Yesterday, at roughly 1 pm, I was minding my business, working at my desk job and I suddenly felt a gush of warmness in my throat, I immediately knew what it was. I went to the bathroom and it was like the elevator in the shining, my bathroom looked like a murder scene. I called a friend (because who can afford an ambulance in the US??) who brought me to a nearby ER. The ER was less than helpful and had me waiting for about a half hour, even though nearby patients were running away from me as I sat with my blood bucket and paper towels. I called my ENT and they told me to report to a different ER, which I obviously traveled to. The second ER had me wait for about an hour and I was then told I’d need a second surgery and possible transfusion. Eventually surgery was had and I am now home, back to soft foods.

So, if you think you won’t notice the bleeding (because your brain is lame like mine), you ABSOLUTELY will. If you do need to be re-cauterized, good news, it’s not nearly as painful as the first go around.

Good luck with your healing everyone! (I would still go through with the surgery again, even after this)