I'm really. Really. Dreading ' the walk'
We're attending our first Tomorrowland with GJ this year and a hotel package. I wanted camping but it's all I ended up with.
I found a map from last year and mapped put the shuttle walk. I'm sincerely afraid of it. I'm older, I have had major spine surgeries as a teenager and my feet struggle throughout the day, even though I work a pretty on your feet job. ( ER nurse ). The walk around the venue after EDCO was rough, but doable. By rough I mean very painful by the end of the day, to the point in the past I've had to sit and take breaks, and just try to disassociate until we got to our hotel. Maybe I'll make it if I bring enough acetaminophen and ibuprofen. I'm actually debating just going to the Taxi and paying even though we have the shuttle pass.
I know disability assistance isn't as big of a thing in Europe, but does anyone know if Tomorrowland provides any assistance if proper documentation is given, specifically regarding the GJ shuttles?