No Call No Show
I really don't know how to handle this situation. Around 2-3 years ago, I worked at Marshall's for about 2 weeks, only had 4 work days and constantly called to see if I was on the schedule or if I can be put on the schedule or if their were any open shifts available. Mind you that I was a new employee, and couldn't access the Workday app which tells you if you're on the schedule. My manager told me that the reason I haven't been on the schedule is because I'm written down as a No Call No Show, in which I explained that the store hasn't called me or told me anything. I just accepted the fact that I no longer had a job there, and went to work somewhere else. So now that I am trying to work at a TJX Homegoods Warehouse, the issue is now coming up. I explained to the requiter the situation, which she said she has to hear back from HR about it. Honestly, I need some advice on what to do.