Side effects and how to deal with them?
I am on the 5mg dose now for the last two weeks. Since starting the 5mg dose, I have occasionally been getting really bad stomach pain on my left side. Along with the stomach pain comes the sulfur burps, shakiness, goosebumps and cold sweats. Sometimes the pain last for a few hours. I had one instance where I threw up after the pain started, but after I was done the pain immediately went away.
It hasn't been the same foods that has been causing this. One time it was a salad and grilled chicken and the pain started two hours after, another was a slice of pizza for dinner and the pain started after I woke up the next morning, and another was chicken and white rice and the pain was about four hours later.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Have you found anything to help stop the pain or figured out what was causing it in the first place? I have tried taking gas relief capsules, digestive enzymes, pepto and none of them seem to really help right away.
The stomach pain gets so bad it's causing me to second think taking the medication. It's almost unbearable.