Shady Business Practices?
Hi all! I’m relatively new to ThredUp but my sister bought / sent a handful of “standard” clean out kits a few months ago but today she went to purchase more and received this notice that said due to inventory needs, she can only use the donation option. Which as I read it, she would donate her box of clothes, ThredUp would keep and sell her clothes, make a profit off of my sister’s “donation” and then ThredUp will donate a measly $5 to a charity of her choice. But I went to the website and was able to buy 5 “standard” clean out kits without issue or notice about “inventory needs.” I could not locate in the terms and conditions any notice that you can only buy/send X number of clean out kits in total or during a certain time period. This just seemed super shady to me and I thought I’d check with the good people of Reddit to see if there’s something we’re unaware of that would prevent her from purchasing more “standard” clean out kits!
Hi all! I’m relatively new to ThredUp but my sister bought / sent a handful of “standard” clean out kits a few months ago but today she went to purchase more and received this notice that said due to inventory needs, she can only use the donation option. Which as I read it, she would donate her box of clothes, ThredUp would keep and sell her clothes, make a profit off of my sister’s “donation” and then ThredUp will donate a measly $5 to a charity of her choice. But I went to the website and was able to buy 5 “standard” clean out kits without issue or notice about “inventory needs.” I could not locate in the terms and conditions any notice that you can only buy/send X number of clean out kits in total or during a certain time period. This just seemed super shady to me and I thought I’d check with the good people of Reddit to see if there’s something we’re unaware of that would prevent her from purchasing more “standard” clean out kits!