Beat Thief Gold after x years. Some ranking

S: Bonehoard, Sword, Song of Caverns

A: Return to cathedral, Lost City, Assassins, Bafford

B: Cragscleft Prison, Haunted Cathedral, Thieves Guild

C: Mage towers, Undercover, Maw of Chaos

D: Bedfellows, Escape

Would rate Haunted Cathedral higher, but it was definitely most confusing level to navigate out of all of the missions, just had no idea where am I.

Thieves guild actually was kinda fun and relatively easy to navigate, only downside was that many locations looked the same and they weren't very detailed.

Without Bedfellows and Escape, it would probably be the best game I've ever played.

Best part of the whole game for me was Horn of Quintus in Down in the Bonehoard, followed by Raoul in Opera.