TFM: Cara mentions something about a reward before heading to next race but I didn't encounter it.
I was heading to the next race in the early American Muscle Playlist at the start of the game, but Cara kept repeating something like "before we head to the next freedom bla bla bla, we'll take a slight detour to bla bla bla". As I neared the next race Cara again said something like "we've got a little something for you, although it really can't be called little because it's huge bla bla bla just make your way to it at the beach" At this point I was confused if the so called gift was part of the next race and that the waypoint would pass me through this surprise thing. But I didn't come across anything. I did the race, and afterwards Cara didn't mention anything like that anymore while heading to my next race. Did I miss an opportunity to be given a freebie?