Why is everyone acting like Victoria Ratliff is harmless? 🤨

I keep seeing people praise her like she’s just some clueless funny rich lady, but let’s be real—she’s the worst. She’s an entitled woman who legit thinks she flew over the North Pole to get to Taiwan. 😂 She’s basically dependent on benzos, and if she doesn’t have them, she drinks herself to sleep. She constantly judges people, talks about how "trashy" or "not decent" they are, and clearly sees herself and her family as superior to everyone around them.

Piper says she wants to stay in Thailand for a year, and instead of an actual convo, Victoria just shuts it down—speaks negatively about Buddhism and identifies her and her family as Christian, but doesn't attend church herself. The woman just steamrolls over everything that doesn’t fit her worldview.

Meanwhile, Saxon is just as bad but at least people see him for what he is. He’s an arrogant, douchey, privileged jerk who thinks he’s above everything and everyone. Somehow, Victoria is getting a pass.

Now, Parker Posey? Absolute legend. She’s so good in the role that it makes me hate Victoria even more, which honestly just proves how incredible of an actress she is. But if this was a real person? We’d all be side-eyeing her hard and want nothing to do with her.

Rant over. 😤