Victoria will be completely validated about Piper by the end of the season

Piper will not stay in Thailand, this is a passing fad and frankly the fact that she dragged her parents and family to Thailand suggests that this is some sort of cry for attention. She could have went by herself, she barely looked at the meditation retreat it seems like she just likes the aesthetic of it. Also, Jason Isaacs seemed to indicate that Saxon was basically right when he said that Piper was the most spoiled in an interview and is certainly Timothy's favorite.

One interesting thing that Mike White has done in both the previous seasons is have characters like Steve Zahn in season 1 & Imperioli and F. Murray Abraham in season 2 make these completely boorish speeches that are "vaguely problematic" but then get completely validated by the end of the season.

In Season 1 Mark basically calls it completely that "people aren't willing to give up their power" when Paula for all her woke preening, allows Kai to take the fall and stays friends with Olivia after agitating him to commit the robbery - really out of personal resentment but obviously she explicitly frames it in this BS anti colonial narrative.

Then in season 2, Bert makes the speech about how the male fantasy is innate and not something that's socially conditioned. We see Albie has the same weakness for women that his father and grandfather had with the scene in the aidport, and Imperioli gets completely validated by recognising that Albie is being played and Albie had a delusional view of women.

Ultimately, while Parker Posey veered into racism, this feels like an impulsive decision by Piper. She doesn't know much/has spent no time at the meditation centre and the fact that she brought her family means she's not ready to let go of the wealth and privilige it affords her. It's just a phase, and when she finds out her dad is going to prison and they are losing everything she will be shocked.