Anyone else feel like season 3 is kinda slow?


Idk. Ep 3 felt like filler.

None of the main plot lines really progressed

The only major thing that happened with the Ratliffs is that the dad started taking drugs. Why were there so many shots of him looking catatonic???? Where’s the development?!?

The only new info with the trio (my favorite plot line) is that Kate is maga… and we didn’t even get to hear the convo Jaclyn and Laurie had about her !!!

Rick and Chelsea had the most screen time this ep but they’re still just a couple with tension. Exactly like ep 2. They argue, Rick has a vague therapy session, they have dinner w Greg and mistress again, and that’s it. We’re STILL not in Bangkok despite it being talked about so much LAST EPISODE.

And most annoyingly, Belinda. The main attraction of the ep 3 teaser is that Belinda is FINALLY going to confront Greg, and that doesn’t happen until the last 10 minutes of the episode !!! UGH!!!

Nothing for gaitok, Fabian, mook, or the other undeveloped staff plot lines.

My hope is that the latter half of the season will pick up in action, but the season is dragging.

The previous 2 seasons also had a slow build, but they weren’t as dark tonally, and were more exciting to watch. And I don’t usually mind the darker elements, but what made them work was the comic relief sprinkled in (I.e Tanya, Armond, the love square in Italy, etc.)

White lotus is supposed to be a DRAMADY, not a drama. Hopefully they remember that next week (although the teaser next week does look pretty fun).