Anora (the movie) reminds me so much of Belinda

I know the characters couldn't be any different and totally not the same, but for those of you who watched Anora, I think the story was vaguely familiar, I felt that is exactly what happened to Belinda when she met Tanya, she was promised a lot of things and given a lot of hopes just for her to be let down by Tanya, facing the disappointing and cruel reality. In the same way that what happened to Anora when she met Vanya (jeez even the names are similar lol), she thought that was her ticket to escape poverty just for her dreams and hopes to come crashing down.both shows how rich people often treat poor people like toys they own, they play with these toys when they're bored or tired or sad and once they get what they want they throw them away without any consideration to their feelings. I really want to know if you guys see the similarities or I'm the only one who's tripping by drawing these parallels.