2023 Pokemon World Championships Celebration Event Megathread
Everything you need to know about the event, all in one place. A lot of these pieces will be verified by the Silph Research Group, so throughout the post we'll use the formatting:
- Italics: Reports from comments or single Research Group report
- Bold: Multiple Research Group reports
Also note that (s) will be used for species whose shiny form is available, and (s?) for new shinies that we haven't seen yet.
This verification isn't meant to replace reports here, rather to provide an extra level of verification and depth to the event. Travelers are always welcome to join here and help out with data collection: https://discord.gg/WpAvRRsaRT
Have fun and stay safe this week!
Event Date: Friday, August 11, 2023 10am - Tuesday, August 15, 2023 8pm local time
- The Pokemon GO World Championships August 11-13, 2023 in Yokohama
- New avatar items via stream code and in-game shop
- Yellow Worlds tshirt code : 4DSJTSPX4B9AH
- Debut of Passimian and World Championships 2023 Pikachu
- Debut of shiny Scraggy family
- Maximum number of GO Battle League sets increase from 5 to 10
- IVs from GO Battle League encounters have wider range to allow for chance to get PvP stats
- Event Timed Research
- Featured attacks obtained through evolutions
Featured Attacks
- Alolan Sandslash - Shadow Claw (Fast Attack)
- Machamp - Payback (Charged Attack)
- Dewgong - Ice Shard (Fast Attack) & Icy Wind (Charged Attack)
- Walrein - Powder Snow (Fast Attack) & Icicle Spear (Charged Attack)
- Obstagoon - Obstruct (Charged Attack)
Boosted Spawns
Here's what is listed in the announcement. Anything else to report?
- Machop (s)
- Chinchou (s)
- Wooper (s)
- Sableye (s)
- Meditite (s)
- Spheal (s)
- Drilbur (s)
- Scraggy (s)
- Bunnelby (s)
- Wooloo
If you're lucky, you might encounter the following:
- Onix (s)
- Lickitung (s)
Field Research
Just looking for event tasks. You can find the full list here
Task Text | Reward |
Catch 7 Pokemon | World Championships 2023 Pikachu (s) |
Power up a Pokemon 5 times | Magikarp (s), Seel (s), Spheal (s), Wimpod |
Power up a Pokemon 10 times | Galarian Zigzagoon (s), Alolan Sandslash (with Shadow Claw) |
Trade a Pokemon | Passimian |
Battle in the GO Battle League | 1000 Stardust |
Raid Bosses
You won't see any new bosses until 11:00am local time. Difficulty ratings
Tier | Raid Bosses |
1 | World Championships 2023 Pikachu (s), Alolan Sandshrew (s), Gligar (s), Scraggy (s) |
3 | Skarmory (s), Galarian Stunfisk (s), Passimian |
5 | Cresselia (s) |
Mega | Mega Gyarados (s) |
Timed Research
2023 Pokemon World Championships
- Catch 5 Pokemon - 10x Pokeballs
- Power up Pokemon 5 times - Fast TM
- Use 5 charged attacks - 10x Great Balls
- Defeat 5 Team GO Rocket grunts - Charged TM
- Battle in the GO Battle League - 10x Ultra Balls
Rewards: Elite Fast TM, World Championships 2023 Pikachu encounter
Great League Greatness (redeem code from watching twitch stream) - Day 1
Stage 1
- Catch 1 Pokemon - 500 stardust
- Catch 2 Pokemon - 500 stardust
- Catch 3 Pokemon - 500 stardust
Rewards: Starpiece, Charged TM
Choose path: Skarmory (and Swampert/Vigoroth) OR Trevenant (and Noctowl/Lanturn) OR Azumarill (and Umbreon/Mandibuzz)
Stage 2
- Use a charged TM - Skarmory (s) or Trevenant or Azumarill
- Power up Pokemon 10 times - Vigoroth or Noctowl or Umbreon
- Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket grunts - Swampert (s), Lanturn, Mandibuzz
Rewards: 10x Skarmory/Slakoth/Mudkip candy or 10x Phantump/Hoothoot/Chinchou candy or 10x Marill/Eevee/Vullaby candy
Stage 3
- Battle another Trainer in the Great League - 500 stardust
- Win a Trainer Battle in the Great League - 1000 stardust
- Win 5 Trainer Battles in the Great League - 5000 stardust
Rewards: 1 Premium Battle Pass
DancingRob's Champion (redeem code from watching twitch stream) - Day 2
Stage 1
- Catch a Ground-type Pokemon - 10x Stunfisk candy
- Catch a Steel-type Pokemon - 10x Stunfisk candy
- Catch 20 Pokemon - 10x Stunfisk Candy
Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 618 XP, Galarian Stunfisk (s) encounter
Stage 2
- Power up Pokemon 10 times - 10x Stunfisk candy
- Battle another Trainer in the Great League - 10x Stunfisk Candy
- Win 3 Trainer Battles in the Great League - 10x Stunfisk Candy
Rewards: 2022 Stardust, 618 XP, 1 Elite Charged TM