Deoxys Defense PvP IV Deep Dive GL & UL [Updated]

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It’s been about a year since good ol’ DD has paid us a visit. Given that the meta has shaken up a bit recently and the Lanturn Breakpoint was already relevant for it before, I figured I’d take another look at its stats and see if any priorities have changed. In short, they really haven’t. If you missed checking out the Deoxys PvP IV Deep Dive before though, you’ll want to give this one a read.

Also, let me know if this is a good way to update PvP IV Deep Dives that don’t need a full overhaul (like Azumarill did with the XL and Bubble updates). I touched up the sections that could use it and put an update log with current stat impression at the top of the article. I figured this would be a good way to let people know the page has been updated and what those updates were.

As usual, this guide discusses the hidden true stats of Pokemon in Pokemon GO. In order to see these true stats you need to use an IV checking app (CalcyIV, Pokegenie) or an IV checking website (GOStadium,, or PvPoke itself). To make things simple, the guide also features PvP IV tables.

If you’re not familiar with PvP IVs, check out this PvP IVs Simplified video.

Thunderbolt or Rock Slide?

For the Great League, until Registeel returns to the cold dark earth for good (nerf it harder, cowards), Thunderbolt + Psycho Boost is preferred. Between Trevenant and Nidoqueen, Psycho Boost is never leaving its Moveset.

For the Ultra League, I personally do not know. I don’t have Ultra League Deoxys and the few people I know who have it don’t play Ultra League Deoxys. I would assume Rock Slide + Psycho Boost though.

Great League

Pareto Efficient Deoxys Defense Forme PvP IVs/Stats

Overall, I still don’t feel one Deoxys is truly better than the others, so the recommended list focuses on stat efficiency/pareto efficiency. To simplify, the Ranks 2 & 4 aren’t on the list because they’re “bad” but because they have the same Atk and HP as the Rank 1, but have lower Def. They will always be “worse” than the Rank 1 no matter what. The Rank 3 however, has the same Atk, lower Def, but higher HP. So the Rank 3 is the high HP/low Def of the Rank 1 and the Rank 1 is the high Def/low HP version of the Rank 3. If having no single stat check is important, then having the most stats per stat weight becomes the ideal. The table is hand crafted to meet this theory.

“That’s great, Ryan, but which one do I choose??”

My personal priority: 67 > 77 > 22 > 18 > 17 > 5 = 6 =14 > 1 = 3 = 9 > 20 = 21

The article covers the advantages of each stat weight in more detail, but for a quick TL;DR: 67, 77, 22, & 18 have big Atk weights (I usually favor Atk weights for subverting expectations, also Lanturn BP potential). 17, 5, & 6 are more of a “mirror focus” as they drop below what I consider “big Atk.” 14 is the “less consistent” version of the 17. Then after that, idk bulk? (people like bulk??) To reiterate, I don’t think 1 Deoxys from the list is truly better than the others. This is just my personal preference I’m dispensing to help direct people that can’t decide.

Overall, I feel building 2-3 Deoxys Defense Forme is the ideal (to save on TMs and pick the right stat weight for the right meta). If I were to pick 3, it'd be Atk (ideally Rank 67), Bulk (either the 1, 3 or 9), and the Rank 17 (mirror slayer, good mid range stats too). If I were to pick 2, it'd be Atk and then either Bulk or the Rank 17, whichever one I actually had between the 4. Of course, never 2 move an extra Deo-D unless you plan to actually use them.

Lanturn BP

101.95 Atk can enable Deoxys Defense Frome to overcome Spark Lanturn in the 0-0 and 1-1 even shield scenarios, and Water Gun Lanturn in the 1-0 and 2-1 shield advantage scenarios (you spend 1 more shield than your opponent). This Atk is based on the Rank 1 Lanturn (0/13/14). If Lanturn has a high enough Def weight, Deoxys isn’t flipping anything. If Lanturn has a lower Def weight, the Rank 1 Deoxys may even flip it.

Ultra League

First and foremost, Deoxys Defense Forme isn’t all that great in the Ultra League. What value it does have doesn’t justify the staggering cost of Mythical XL Candy. It’s unadvised to pursue an XL Deoxys Defense Forme unless you’re truly a Deoxys enthusiast or are so adept at the Ultra League that you feel you could get some value out of it. If some youtuber/streamer/guru has sold you on the idea of Ultra League Deoxys Defense Forme, remember: It’s your time and money spent, not theirs.

Should you choose this route, I suggest looking for a 132.28 Atk weight. Not only will it save you ~60 XL Candy (~$10 USD), but nets useful Breakpoints on Talonflame (0-1, more with failed baits potentially), Best Buddy Galar Stunfisk (2-1 & 2-2), Charizard, and Shadow Abomasnow. If you push even higher to 132.81 Atk, you could flip the Best Buddy Umbreon matchup too due to a Rock Slide Breakpoint (although some may find this Atk weight unorthodox).

Here’s a table highlighting 132.28 Atk weight Deoxys Defense Forme.


Deoxys has persevered through the ages, and fortunately enough, getting the desired stats on Deoxys Defense Forme isn’t hard. It’s nice to validate that through all the twists and turns the meta has taken, things have stayed mostly the same. Happy hunting!

Deep Dives to come!

Lanturn, Dunsparce, Miltank, and whatever CDay/Event mons pop up.

Maybe Victini, just to highlight what it can or can't do with the stats you're stuck with.

As for Girafarig, I think I'll keep my secrets for now.
