This show is very Hollywood and it makes me giggle.
Love this show more for the characters than anything else because what the hell is this? Looks like a PVS-14 behind an ACOG on a 10.3” barrel. Like, sure… Shooter’s preference and all, but… That’s a dedicated CQB rifle, with a mid-range optic, and poor night vision option for a weapon. Surely, the LAPD can afford better options for a sergeant in their Metro Division. And surely a former infantry staff sergeant with multiple deployments understands how to set up a rifle.
I distinctly remember how they’d throw in a scene talking about how shows and movies always get things wrong and this show seems to get things wrong every time. Later on in this episode, riot shields were bullet-proof.
It’s like every time they talk about or do anything tactical, it’s a 70% chance of being wrong. Show’s great, just kills my suspension of disbelief every so often.
Love this show more for the characters than anything else because what the hell is this? Looks like a PVS-14 behind an ACOG on a 10.3” barrel. Like, sure… Shooter’s preference and all, but… That’s a dedicated CQB rifle, with a mid-range optic, and poor night vision option for a weapon. Surely, the LAPD can afford better options for a sergeant in their Metro Division. And surely a former infantry staff sergeant with multiple deployments understands how to set up a rifle.
I distinctly remember how they’d throw in a scene talking about how shows and movies always get things wrong and this show seems to get things wrong every time. Later on in this episode, riot shields were bullet-proof.
It’s like every time they talk about or do anything tactical, it’s a 70% chance of being wrong. Show’s great, just kills my suspension of disbelief every so often.