I reallyyyy dislike Bailey now
Bailey’s character has been in a bit of a downward spiral for me since Season 6 and it really really is starting to piss me off in Season 7.
That being said the writing this season… left a lot to be desired, there have been some really good moments this season and then there is Bailey.
Seriously, that was so out of character for NOLAN to let her get away with CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER FOR HIRE which according to California statue is a really serious offense, but no, she basically gave him the same story she did in Season 4 (believe me it was sad but in the real world that wouldn’t let you get away with a crime) and he let her walk.
This is Nolan we’re talking about, who’d rather arrest Rosalind Dyer than kill her after everything she’s done to Bailey and Lucy and the other victims. This is the same Nolan who’d resist pulling the trigger killing Cole Midas who kidnapped him and his captain resulting in the death of the latter. This was so out of character for him, when he is a literal Boy Scout and that’s what works for him as being part of his character.
Honestly, that episode in general was just… meh.. I really like Seth and his character is showing promise this season (along with Miles; seriously that domestic violence scene with him really was well done) but Bailey… holy did this episode remind me how much of a poor character she is.