In defence of Santos...

I'm not a particularly keen fan of Santos but 2 things I think she didn't deserve:

  1. The "You're trouble" comment Garcia made- I've read on another post that people think that was in response to Garcia clocking her motivations not being clean/the gossipy vibe she was bringing- idk, for me it was directly about her getting a senior resident thrown out and possibly ruining his life on her first shift and first day... I love Langdon but he's endangering patients! Whatever Santos' true motivations are there's no question she did the right thing!

  2. Don't think I've seen anyone mention this... but was the scalpel thing that deep? I'd understand her getting shit for it if she was clearly not handling the scalpel correctly or if she tried to do a cool flip with it or something lol but she literally just fumbled it. Obviously it could have very serious medical repercussions but neither this sub nor Garcia would have reacted the same way if Javadi or Whitaker had done it instead. Obvs she comes across as clearly cocky and arrogant which colours both the viewers and the other characters' perspective of her and even for me it was nice to see her humbled afterwards lol but it did feel like a genuine accident.

Curious to hear what everyone's thoughts are on these 2 points