am I there?

Inadvertently spent $15k today after previously spending $12k on non-leather with the same SA within the past 1.5 months. Had asked for a B30 in a neutral color on my prior visit after reaching 1:1 and thought I was pretty close already by her reaction so wanted to spread out my purchases.

Had thought I was looking at a less expensive piece than I was today and was surprised when $15k popped up on the register. At the same time, my SA introduced me to the store manager and she gave me her card. I didn’t want want to back down from my purchase even though it was more than I expected because of that. Does the introduction mean I’m there on pre spend? Do I just wait until I get a text? Don’t really want to spend more now until I get an offer but this was also much more accelerated than I originally anticipated so just concerned I’ve gone out too fast.

UPDATE: got the text this morning. proud new owner of a B30 gold on gold : )