Re-listening to Anastasia’s interview 🥴

I remember being kind of weirded out by Bridget’s lack of response/empathy towards her younger sister on my first listen but OH. MY. GOD. It truly is so bad and just crappy to hear some of Anastasia’s perspectives on things…for instance, she talks about how hungry she was while she stayed with Bridget and Holly says something like “you should’ve ordered more often!” And Anastasia goes on to explain that when she would order Bridget would get irritated with her…so that put a stop to that. Bridget just laughs it off.

And then Bridget pushes and pushes to hear about Anastasia’s perspective on their magazine shoot and then she asks “did you have body image issues after watching us shoot? 😊😊😊” like girl?!!! What?? Lmao who asks like that? And then when Anastasia responds saying that yes she had issues because of how late she went through puberty and just that age being tough.

Most heartbreaking, seeing how Bridget doesn’t react or respond AT ALL to her sisters pain. Like zero response, awkwardly smiling throughout her sister describing dark feelings, and then asking the next question without a pause or acknowledgement. The ED part was egregious and made me cringe so bad…Bridget quite literally smiled and looked completely disengaged and like she couldn’t care less. She even says she caught her at one point but doesn’t really say like “I was worried or I talked to you or I told mom…” ugh.

Not surprised that Bridget didn’t make it in media or anything like that…her transitions between questions are horrible.