A question for women who aren’t insecure (discussion for those who are extremely insecure)
Hi ladies, extreme self image issues will be discussed.
TLDR: I am insecure and wonder how women who aren’t insecure view other attractive women and themselves.
I think—objectively speaking—I would be considered attractive. I am unique looking and unconventional, but I get complimented on my appearance often and have even build a small following on social media from my appearance. On a scale, I would probably fall between a 7 (with acne and bad hairstyle) to 9.5 (with clear skin and good hairstyle).
With that being said—I’m extremely insecure. I over examine every part of my face in the mirror and could spend hours looking at myself trying to discern what’s wrong with how I look. Occasionally, I even use a tape measure to see how far apart or proportionate my features are. I am mutuals with a lot of gorgeous women and models and I feel like a fraud for being acknowledged as being amongst them. With every ‘unconventional’ beauty standard I’ve set to achieve, a new one blossoms and every…single…time…it engulfs me. I have started comparing myself with some very unrealistic people. I’ve become infatuated with being perfect. I used to think I was so beautiful. I feel so hideous and disgusting so often now.
I think a part of it is having been in a years long relationship where I constantly got cheated on. My self image deteriorated. I even compare myself to old pictures and think about how much more beautiful three years ago when I was seventeen. I don’t want to meet some of my online female mutuals because I think they’ll think I’m ugly irl. I don’t even use altering filters on my videos or pictures besides the little default skin blurring filter on tiktok yet I still don’t recognize myself looking in the mirror.
When I look at other women—extremely beautiful women—I often wonder how women who aren’t insecure view those 10/10s. As someone who is extremely insecure—I begin to analyze and try to determine if they are objectively more attractive, getting nauseatingly obsessive about my looks if i feel they are. I unfortunately feel like I’m very far gone in my self image but I can acknowledge that I do have a privilege in my looks. I am very fortunate. It is though, something that I struggle with and I do seek some companionship in similar circumstances. I would also just love the refreshment that comes with hearing from women who are secure and strong within themselves. I hope one day to get over my self image issues and come to accept myself fully. Please tell me your stories about self acceptance, appreciating another woman’s beauty without insecurity fueling it, and your own struggles.
Best wishes to you all ❤️