Does anyone have any advice on clearing out my camera roll? I have almost 50,000 photos spanning 8 years and it’s completely overwhelming me
Yes I know it’s an embarrassingly huge amount 😫😫
I love photography so I have lot of shots of all sorts of things, from travel to flowers to food. But I never end up deleting all the bad photos that didn’t turn out, I just favorite the good ones or add them to a new album.
I also have a bad habit of screenshotting things to people (like entire conversations) and then never deleting them…. I just have way too much crap and my camera roll is so filled.
I’ve tried to delete photos before but having to sort through them all overwhelms me after a couple hours because it’s just so many damn images. My entire life is in there and I’m scared I’ll delete a photo that I’ll regret or come to need in the future!
Help! I feel like a digital hoarder. I’d literally pay someone else to do this but no one but me can because I’m the only one who can sort through what’s relevant or not. 😓