Haha, move out of the way.

What has happened to the beautiful Bunny players over the last week?

I'm a bunny main and I've had the complaints and abuse as we probably all have. I now wait for players at check points in infiltrations, I leave a few bigger enemies for you to kill, I get players up as much as possible.

But I've been leveling my Luna and Enzo this week and every time I see a Bunny it's a pale comparison of the bunnies we used to have. Hardly any use their abilities and they don't run off and leave the group. I want you to do your Bunny thing go wild, kill them all. I'm grinding and you beauties are pulling my little Descendants through so I don't have to sit in a cave for an hour first or put a levelled Descendent on.

So to ALL the Bunny mains. Get back to your best and if anyone complains you know the response "Haha, move out of the way".