Dear The First Descendant Community,
I have compiled a list of the most asked for features and changes by the community to save the developers some time!
I searched for days on YouTube, Discord, and Reddit to put this list together. The First Descendant is a very fun game but could be even better with some changes. So, if you agree with my list, please help me get this post to the top of r/thefirstDescendant and to the dev team.
QOL Changes:
- Add polls on the start screen of the game to stay in touch with the community.
- Add a search bar in Consumables.
- Add a search bar and more filters in the Mod upgrade section.
- Add a sort weapon by proficiency.
- Add a new filter to the inventory for automatic disassembly on pickup.
- Remove research animations on all consumables.
- Remove or extend the number of mods that your inventory can hold.
- Remove splash screens for storage and mailboxes – open them immediately.
- Redesign the stash interface to show your inventory on the left and your stash on the right, add the option to stash equipped items.
- Add the option to restart a mission without checking the mission results.
- Reduce the restart timer.
- Add the option to inspect other players' loadouts and copy their builds.
- Add the entire team's stats to the mission results and the ability to interact with the players.
- Move defense and infiltration to the map as well; it makes no sense to need to be in Albion for matchmaking.
- Be able to dismantle items in combat.
- Be able to spawn colossi in the lab.
- Rework the coloring system Paint shouldn't get consumed when used and let us color the default skins of the descendants
- Improve access info tracking with more graphical overviews and the ability to waypoint missions and fast travel. For this, look at all the spreadsheets and crafting diagrams the community is creating and implement them somewhat into the info tab. Add Bosses and Loottables.
- Move all menus to the same bind: why are access info and map in a different menu than the players inventory.
- Add a trader to sell consumables to: for example Kyle stabilizers!
- Weapon rank-ups are easy to miss; add a level-up banner like you have for the descendants (very minimal or only when hitting lvl 40)
- Show how many items the player owns when opening amorphous materials.
- Add a take all and dismantle junk option to the mailbox
- Rework the select more options on infiltrations so that the player can set a kill score and get options according to their desired kill score / rework the system so matchmaking works with it.
- Add the ability to shoot while grappling. You're already able to aim while grappling.
- No more scrolling through stats when checking reactors.
- Add research slots with mastery.
- Research the same items simultaneously.
- Rework the Text Chat (LFG, Q&A, Group Chats)
Mechanic Changes:
- Standardize Element-Resistance and Enchantment Modules: Change any element-resistance module to fit the same socket type.
- Change ultimate reactors from mounting to equipped: Having to switch to a specific weapon every time you cast skills gets tedious very quickly.
- Buff Shape Stabilizers: These should be super rare and grant you the option to choose the reward or add the option to use the stabilizers multiple times in one instance to increase the drop rates of the rare items even more.
- Make the game social: Drops for missions should be the same for every player in the mission/outpost/boss.
- Add the option to trade or a flea market.
- Intercept battles feel bland, add biomes to some of these or arenas that have a matching look to the boss.
- You shouldn't need to play the exact character type as the fusion farm requirement as long as one person is the right ability type.
- Elemental reactors should only drop with the skill boost powers of the same element.
- Module synthesis should not be random; crafting a transcendant mod you can't get to drop should be an option.
- Add an item that lets us change the module socket type so we could change builds every so often or just let us put any mod in any socket.
- Readjustments for reactors and external components.
- Reduce momentum loss on player collisions
- When playing public mobs should not target Players that are not participating in the Mission that spawned them
- period of invulnerability after being rescued
Monetary Changes:
- Buff Battle Pass Rewards: Take inspiration from other games and increase the rewards, providing enough currency to purchase the next battle pass.
- Decrease storage, inventory space, and loadout upgrade costs dramatically.
- Rework the Bonus shop to be able to buy an energy activator and a catalyst once per season.
- Unisex Skins should be a one-time Purchase and not Descendant Restricted (like Panda's Adventure and Dinosaur Pajamas)
This is the feedback witch was posteted, upvoted or liked the most about the first Decendant.
If you have any feedback please let me know!
I really hope this post pushes the Team of the First Decendant in the right direction. They have a gold mine at hand! So please listen to the community and the feedback they give you!