My 2025 album ranking.

After 10 full album runs (with a couple dozen continuums, and fathers of make believe thrown in), I've landed Vaxis 3 smack dab in the middle.

I love what they've done, and at least 3 of these songs are all timers.

The album name should have been: Vaxis III: Key Entity Extraction VI: Sirius Amory

Highest points:

  • I love the lyrical and referential styling of Father of Make Believe to Evagria the Faithful. These two songs are cosmically bound in my brain, and FoMB is firmly in my top 20 tracks, possibly bordering top 10.

  • Tethered Together is the new closer. I don't care if it's the main set or the encore, but if the set list omits this track or places it in any other slot, this would be an L unlike any we have seen since Run Like Hell never being added in.

  • Play the Poet is like if they had the writing prompt: "write a GlassJaw song, but add your flair to it. Make us want to fight"

  • The Continuum is just unreal. Best 3 track run since maybe The Willing Wells?

Low points:

  • A few of the songs sound far too much like previous entries without motifs being used. The pop jams weren't my flavor this time around. (I listen to a lot of kpop, so I'm cool with the genre)

  • some of the songs are just too short. I don't love the radio friendly timing they've been doing on the last two albums. MrNobody, most importantly, was screaming for an Apollo 2 or Gutter type of bridge to really bring it somewhere magnificent.

  • locking a track, however nonsensical and pointless it may be, to a vinal is wack.

  • prices for the box set are out of control.

Overall, assuming IKS and GA1 are solid 10/10, this is floating between 8.5 and 9 for me on the Coheed scale. (Meaning it's a 15 compared to other, lesser music)

After 10 full album runs (with a couple dozen continuums, and fathers of make believe thrown in), I've landed Vaxis 3 smack dab in the middle.

I love what they've done, and at least 3 of these songs are all timers.

The album name should have been: Vaxis III: Key Entity Extraction VI: Sirius Amory

Highest points:

  • I love the lyrical and referential styling of Father of Make Believe to Evagria the Faithful. These two songs are cosmically bound in my brain, and FoMB is firmly in my top 20 tracks, possibly bordering top 10.

  • Tethered Together is the new closer. I don't care if it's the main set or the encore, but if the set list omits this track or places it in any other slot, this would be an L unlike any we have seen since Run Like Hell never being added in.

  • Play the Poet is like if they had the writing prompt: "write a GlassJaw song, but add your flair to it. Make us want to fight"

  • The Continuum is just unreal. Best 3 track run since maybe The Willing Wells?

Low points:

  • A few of the songs sound far too much like previous entries without motifs being used. The pop jams weren't my flavor this time around. (I listen to a lot of kpop, so I'm cool with the genre)

  • some of the songs are just too short. I don't love the radio friendly timing they've been doing on the last two albums. MrNobody, most importantly, was screaming for an Apollo 2 or Gutter type of bridge to really bring it somewhere magnificent.

  • locking a track, however nonsensical and pointless it may be, to a vinal is wack.

  • prices for the box set are out of control.

Overall, assuming IKS and GA1 are solid 10/10, this is floating between 8.5 and 9 for me on the Coheed scale. (Meaning it's a 15 compared to other, lesser music)