This season INFURIATED me [USA S7E13]

Like are you kidding me??? I don’t think any of the seasons made me so upset like this one did 😭 I liked the twins/Gianna and sort of Rachel/Deb out of the finalists but even then, I felt like Rachel was way too trusting and broke promises to people too easily.

Darian, Jadejah (my fave!), Andy and Garrett were definitely my favorites and deserved the win for sure. Madelyn’s whole hate campaign against Darian was insane, like he did nothing, and I mean NOTHING to her… I could understand if they had beef prior and it was a retaliation thing or something but they didn’t…he literally never even interacted with her like that lol. Also I wanted Kevin to go home SO bad, like I totally understand Gianna being influencer multiple times but Kevin?! Also multiple people would say they’re playing strategically but then don’t do the strategic thing… like when Darian didn’t automatically choose Jadejah in the disruptor mode thing I was PISSED, like hello?! KEVIN? Even after you heard he was talking behind folks backs? Idc if Jadejah would have a target on her back after being influencer, Gianna and Jadejah EASILY could’ve taken out Madelyn or Rachel or something. Also it was extremely dumb for Madelyn to block Jadejah because if she really wanted to win she could’ve taken out Gianna or Kevin lol? Like based off the multiple previous ratings alone I think it was obvious it was either gonna be her or Kevin if Gianna was taken out.

Also why tf did Kevin believe Madelyn so easily but not his bro that had been with him from the jump? Like he was loyal to Madelyn but he literally blocked Savannah so why didn’t he stick up for Savannah at the time? Literally every single person that was eliminated was someone who either Kevin or Madelyn wanted gone. It was dumb to eliminate Garrett bc he was playing middle of the road and would have stayed that way even at the finale.

Just all sorts of dumb decisions from everybody and it infuriated the helllll outta me omg. Especially since it was predictable bc the final ratings mostly reflected the entire time on the Circle which isn’t that common lol. I skipped thru to the end multiple times bc I already knew who was leaving smh.