Losing interest in the show on S4E3


Hey folks,

For those who have made it through all 6 seasons, did any of you feel at any point especially in season 3 and 4 that things are just dragging on?

I'm finding it hard to like any characters at this point in the show:

Elizabeth - I find her cold, ruthless, and overly brainwashed by her country to "make the world a better place". She is clearly confused when her motherly side kicks in but the KGB side always seems to win.

Phillip - Maybe the most empathetic character in the show. I feel for him when he obviously doesn't want to kill the targets he has to.

Paige - Annoying as all hell. Begs for the secret, regrets finding out, tells Pastor Tim. She did redeem herself by admitting to it but she is a pain in the buns.

Henry - Okay Henry is dope. Except for that one time he broke into the neighbour's house. Even that wasn't too bad.

Stan - Can't get over Sandra or Nina. Was a total piece of shit to his wife and son. Uncle Stan being kinda cool to Henry I suppose.

Martha - I pretty much cringe every time she's on the screen. The fake relationship with Philip / brainwashing so hard to watch.

Agent Gadd - Abrasive personality, classic white collar manager.

Stan's girlfriend from Est - Don't know much about her yet, but I was annoyed when she told Stan about Phillip and Sandra.

The Centre - It couldn't be any more apparent that the Centre are the real evil in the show. Their decisions constantly make me want to yell at the TV. They serve as a reminder just how serious the work Philip and Elizabeth are doing.

Nina - What the hell is going on with this lady? Either she's stone cold and absolutely incredible at manipulation or she truly does have feelings for Stan, Oleg, and the Scientist. Her ark has been a roller coaster.

The only decent characters are Arkady and Oleg honestly. And I'm even on the fence about Oleg.

At S4E3 I'm kind of just dying to be done with the show (watching with my S.O. so I don't want to jump ship now).

Does it get better? Did anyone else feel like this?