Are Osha and Mae Clones?

So, episode 3 of The Acolyte sure lit the fandom on fire didn't it? Doesn't take much to do that lately unfortunately. Easily the most controversial scene involved Mother Anasaiya and Koril talking about the twins and suggesting that their birth was of an unusual nature.

A lot of fans have taken that to mean that they were created through the force, magic, or both a la Anakin. Especially the more vitriolic lorehound fans have really latched onto that particularly reading of the scene. However, what they are referring to is never explicitly stated. That is certainly one reading of the scene but I'm not entirely convinced.

Actually, I'm more convinced they are, in fact, clones.

Cloning is a science that has had a complicated history in Star Wars lore. We know for a fact it's been around for a long time. It's not like Obi-Wan showed up to Kamino and went "Holy Hell you figured out cloning?!!"

The exact relation the process has with the rest of Galaxy is not entirely clear. We know by the end of the Clone Wars that much of Galaxy had a pretty seeded hatred or indignance to Republic clones. But even at the beginning of the war much of the Republic navy and even many Jedi already show a less than welcome disposition to Clones.

When you look at it from a wide angle, it seems that Clones have a similar conundrum to Droids when it comes to the concept Individuality and personhood. No matter how much personality and drive they have the Galaxy at large can never see them as anything other than manufactured product.

From the way I've always read it, prior to the Clone Wars cloning was either outright banned or heavily shamed upon and restricted. They are, at the end of the day, biological beings forced to produce labor with no agency of their own. Slavery in other words. I don't see the Republic being down for that. It's also a bad idea when it comes population and repopulation. Cloning is almost always bad for whatever species that uses it. It floods the genepool with the same genetic sequence which can spell disaster for later generations as certain genetic conditions become more common. Morally and scientifically there are good arguments to be made against cloning

So, why do I think Osha and Mae are cloned anyways?

Well, just look at them. Anakin may be the result of immaculate conception through the force but he is still a human child born from a human mother. Even though Plagueis is not human (as far as we know. Until Dinsey contradicts legends information we have to assume). Osha and Mae share no phenotypical resemblance with Mother Koril who we know birthed them. No horns, no pale skin, no markings. Not a sign of Zabrakian heritage in sight. But you know who they do share a passing resemblance to? Mother Anasaiya. A complete 180 in how that works.

So, I think it's very possible that they are clones of Mother Anasaiya. It even explains why they are identical twins, they're clones of course they are.

Now, clearly, the cloning technology these witches have is not up to snuff with the Kaminoans. Both because of the time-period but also because these are people living in isolation on the edge of the galaxy. We all saw what that fortress was running on. It looked like a small breeze could cause it to overload. Once the embryos were created, they simply didn't have the tech lying around for a birthing pod so they went the surrogacy route. Mother Koril stepped up to the plate and took the responsibility of carrying the twins and birthing them.

So, I think the fear here isn't so much that they are using force/magic but rather unregistered cloning technology. That's not just a problem with the Jedi they are potentially starting but the Republic itself. Which is a whole new level of trouble the coven does not want.