Youtube's comment section is much more entertaining than reddits

Whatever you might think about Youtube being full of 15 year olds, their comments section is much funnier than reddit's. While YouTube has a higher density of immature comments, they also have a higher density of funny comments.

Reddit comments rarely make me laugh out loud, but there are usually 1-2 comments in a YouTube video that I find really funny, and they can get a chuckle out of me maybe once every 10 videos.

If you click on any video with 1,000,000+ views there are gonna be a couple of genuinely funny comments. I clicked on just a few music videos and got comments like

-"My neighbours loved this song so much they threw a brick through my window to hear it better"

-"Beethoven been real quiet since this one dropped" (on a shittyfluted video)

-"This porn has terrible music" (on a Nicki Minaj video)

and yeah they might not seem that funny on a reddit post but randomly encountering them was pretty entertaining.