People should only date/marry outside of their culture.

I think the healthiest thing for people to do is take an interest in things that are unfamiliar to them or that they don't understand, and one of the best ways to do this is to get to know people from other cultures. I've always felt a little suspicious of people who only stick to what they know, and this goes for dating too. I think getting to know someone from another culture intimately can open up the world in a lot of new and different ways and cultural exchange is always a good thing.

For the record I'm not white and also I think having a race preference is gross, so this isn't specifically about race, but just that I think people should take more interest in people with different language, cuisine, customs, etc. But yeah, people who exclusively date from one race, especially in multi cultural places like America, I find that kind of weird, especially when they end up looking like each other.