Frequent headaches

Lately I have them 3-6 days a week and I have no idea what to do. I've had frequent headaches since I was a teenager but this is getting excessive.. I'll be making a doctor's appointment but wanted to post on here incase anyone has any ideas

How they feel:

  • Throbbing (sometimes intense) with movement
  • Feel better (occasionally barely hurt at all) when I sit or lay still
  • if I wake up with it, it's intense throbbing with most movement.

Getting rid of it:

  • usually painkillers don't do much, rarely get rid of the headache unless I catch it when it first starts, even then I can rarely get rid of it. Can make it ease up if I catch it early, other times they just keep it from getting worse
  • Tylenol and Tylenol back painusually doesn't make much of a difference. Naproxen usually makes more of a difference.
  • if I can't get rid of it I have it until I go to sleep
  • if I do nothing or don't have access to painkillers it'll get worse and worse as the day goes on until I'm in so much pain I could cry (but don't cuz that hurts my head lol)
  • Sometimes caffeine helps, I don't always have that option tho

Times I think it's a migraine- slight nausea, feel out of it, if I catch it early I can make it ease up or stop getting worse, and if I don't I have it for the day