Landlord overreach update.
I recently posted here in regard to my landlord attempting to change tenancy terms vocally rather than going through the correct channels. The issue involves the landlord trying to remove our right to allow our dog to use the front garden as some small brown patches have appeared which have been caused by the dog urine. I approached the landlord about the issue, apologized for the damage that has been done and I’ve offered to put the garden back to its original condition (a couple of hours work will see it put right) I’m also walking the dog at least 8 times a day so he isn’t toileting anywhere near the property.
However, the landlord, being the cantankerous old bastard that he is,has now told us that he doesn’t want us in the property any longer and that he will not renew the tenancy in September. I’m sure you’re all aware of the major housing shortage so I’m highly doubtful that we’ll secure another property before then so I’d like to know where I stand. I’m a full time carer for my disabled wife and I myself have anxiety and depression so this situation is having a really detrimental effect on us both. I live in an area where private rentals generally go to friends, family and associates of those in the estate agencies. We’d be waiting at least 5 years for a housing executive property. I’ve also been unable to contact the estate agent dealing with our property because he’s currently on holiday. Are my wife and I going to be on the street come September? I should probably also add that we live in Northern Ireland so English laws/regulations are probably not applicable here.