Is Ling Xiaoyu's new launching throw ("waning moon"/1+2 break) bugged, i.e. harder throw break?
Ling Xiaoyu has inherited her grandfather Wang's throw for T8 - "Waning Moon"! It is an i14 launching throw and a 1+2 break.
My problem is that while I have very good throw breaks, I swear for some reason my 1+2 break almost never works against this throw. I have observed this phenomenon over the entire last year. Different days, different stages, different Xiaoyus. Doesn't matter.
The game shows it as an input problem (i.e. I get 1,1+2 or 2,1+2). But it happens so damn crazy often compared to any other throw that I'm wondering if anyone of you noticed something similar. The even weirder thing is, that many Xiaoyu players use this very seeable BT jump into grab. I usually just duck on reaction. And I have had it happen countless times that the game first ignores my duck input (i.e. I get thrown anyway) and then it also ignores my throw break. Tbh I don't know what to do.
I'd appreciate it if you gave me some feedback.