350hr first time tekken player rant/cry for help

I wanna start this off by saying I love this game and don't regret any of the hours I've put in and the many many more I will put in. I wanna consider myself a decent player, Bouncing around Bushin and Tekken King with Yoshi and Mighty ruler and Flame ruler with Lidia. I'm already mentally prepared for the flame for my character choice, so go crazy. This is my first ever tekken game and I know there is a lot for me to learn and pick up on, but I wanna put this out there as a 1. a much needed rant and 2. a honest cry for help for anyone who's willing to help me out and get me to understand some things.


  1. For all that is holy, FUCK. STEVE. I can't even count the number of times this british bastard has B1 counterhit me out of a jab string when he's MINUS. Out of every character in this game. Yoshi, Zaf, the bears, fucking drag. Steve has to be one of the most "broken" characters in this game. I don't like throwing out the term "broken" describe character strength, but rather design. There's almost nothing this evasive bastard CAN'T do. Extremely fast moves, evasion out the ass, impossible to beat pressure, and his honest to god, straight up ABUSE of highcrush mids, insane armored moves, the list goes on.
  2. how the hell does anyone deal with hwoarang? This point is coming off of 4 sets against a hwoarang who did almost nothing but those stupid flappy kick counter launch. Now, Its obviously a high, but can someone PLEASE explain why the hell can't I just simply duck and launch it? I was counterhit out of it every single time I tried and I'm honestly more confused than angry about it
  3. seriously fuck steve.
  4. I'm convinced anyone who's complaining about Yoshi just hasn't learned to just jab his stance transitions.
  5. The movement in this game feels so butt at times. I feel like side stepping is damn near useless, cause you have people side stepping out of jab strings safely, but the moment you do the same, some how you've been clipped and now bryan is laughing maniacally as his gut checks your shit
  6. actually no, back to fucking steve. Serious questions, how is any of that shit allowed? I've heard people throw around the phrase "tekken is a game of rock paper scissors. Everything has a counter" I get that, it makes sense. But its really hard when I'm playing rock paper scissors and steve is playing Axe Glock Flamethrower. Easily the best pressure in the game. Too fast to armor out, can't interrupt cause you'll eat counterhit into full combo, can't side step cause you'll 100% get clipped, can't try and throw a parry cause GUESS WHAT? YOU'LL GET COUNTERHIT, and after aalllll of that bullshit, if he finally decides to do something different and you have a glimmer of hope to get your turn back, yeah well he just spun around, whiffing your punish and now you just ate and heat engage at the wall, wall splatted, and now he's turning your ribs into ground beef.

That's honestly all I have that genuinely makes me upset like no other in this game. Everything else I'm indifferent about, or I actually like. Looking forward to the feedback and whatever virtual tomatoes you have to throw at me for whining. Thanks for reading. And seriously, fuck you, steve.