Big Brothers Big Sisters: Teen Mom Edition

Alright, twatwaffles…we’re giving back and volunteering!

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a great organization that partners adult mentors with children and young adults who could use a little bit of guidance and support. YOU’VE BEEN DRAFTED. You must pick one of the Mom’s and tell us what you’re going to help your TM get through their thick skulls. Did someone trigger their trauma(again)? Did your TM marry their step brother and now produces their step husbrothers adult content? Maybe your TM’s been slapped by bacon or their loving partner became a missing person over night. Maybe they are Farrah, and no further explanation is needed but all the help in the world absolutely is needed.

What are you going to do together? What do you hope they learn? How many therapy horses are involved? Dive in. Give back. You’re basically a therapist now, PER LAW.

Alright, twatwaffles…we’re giving back and volunteering!

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a great organization that partners adult mentors with children and young adults who could use a little bit of guidance and support. YOU’VE BEEN DRAFTED. You must pick one of the Mom’s and tell us what you’re going to help your TM get through their thick skulls. Did someone trigger their trauma(again)? Did your TM marry their step brother and now produces their step husbrothers adult content? Maybe your TM’s been slapped by bacon or their loving partner became a missing person over night. Maybe they are Farrah, and no further explanation is needed but all the help in the world absolutely is needed.

What are you going to do together? What do you hope they learn? How many therapy horses are involved? Dive in. Give back. You’re basically a therapist now, PER LAW.