Kail & Javi flying to Madrid
I just saw via insta that Kail is traveling to Spain 🧳 and Javi too, obviously both separately with their respective crew, 🥬 seems to be traveling with his eldest 🤣 Elijah and Creed. While Javi, I supposed is going with Lauren Eli and Linc. So I wonder...🤔 Are they going to meet there to see Linc? Or Kail is casually traveling there? I wonder if Javi paid 100% for that "winter ⚽ camp" ( I dont remember what's the name of it, sorry! ) or if they divide expenses. How awkward might that be ( I know is not like their gonna sit together but still ), with the recently rant and blast that Kail put on Vee, Jo, Javi and Lauren. Wouldn't be surprised. Is kail going to say that thanks to her, Javi n and Lauren were able to finance that trip ? 🤣🙄.
Anyways I hope their kids get to enjoy their time there ⚽ and kail can keep her mouth shut for once n don't create drama.