This post is a dating show

Someone did it yesterday but backed off coz it got a lot of comments and it wasn't possible to do all that, but this time first 50 boys and first 50 girls only will be able to participate. To participate just do !SPIN gender and username

Like for example: !SPIN M normalguy

Results will be out tomorrow

And i know the ratio will be off so if you don't get matched, well nothing can be done then.

Someone did it yesterday but backed off coz it got a lot of comments and it wasn't possible to do all that, but this time first 50 boys and first 50 girls only will be able to participate. To participate just do !SPIN gender and username

Like for example: !SPIN M normalguy

Results will be out tomorrow

And i know the ratio will be off so if you don't get matched, well nothing can be done then.