Or was it?

Is she the one staring at her wall at 3 am tryna figure out what went wrong

Is she the one regretting the thought of moving on even tho how badly she treated me

It's her loss but I'm the one having heaviness in my chest all day

It's her loss but now my concept of love is washed away for ever

It's her loss but talking other girls make me feel like a risk not worth taking again

It's her loss but I can't trust "I love you" anymore

It's her loss but I'm the one feeling empty whole day not knowing what to do

Who to talk to

It's her loss but I'm the one with nicotine addiction that's not stopping anytime soon

It's her loss but it really wasn't

Not a poem or anything I just felt like writing something and I did

Ignore it if you don't like

Chances are you're reading this so FUCK YOU

Nahi chahiye bhai tumhara karma ka cope mereko

Ps: She ranted on reddit and all the chutpaglu's out there making her cope life's unfair af she'll go with someone else now and destroy his life too so yeah good luck doing that