My Online Relationship Experience, being a girl (A Lesson for All LDR Dreamers)

Like many of you, I once fell into the rabbit hole of an online relationship. So, let me spill my tea.

Back in 10th grade, while preparing for my Term 2 exams, I gotta random message on Telegram:

"Hey, wanna join this channel? We share study stuff."

I had joined a channel of Shubham Pathak ma'am (those who know, know), and having a username that revealed I was a girl meant my DMs were already flooded. But for some reason, I replied to this one:

"Oh okay, sure."

Turns out, he was in 10th grade too. Slowly, we started talking more frequently, and one day, he casually asked me--

"You know, I had this friend who blocked a guy just because he proposed to her. Would you do the same?"

And me, being a certified chutiya, replied:

"Oh really? That’s so sad. No, I don’t do such things."

Just to make him feel better as he said it just hurted his friend more than anything (Biggest mistake)

From that day onwards, he started proposing—once, twice, thrice—and the entire group chat we were in knew that he liked me. Every guy in that GC was hyping him up, saying:

Bro, he likes you so much, he literally can't live without you blah blah stuff

Slowly, I started developing feelings too. One night, after days of overthinking, I finally confessed with a whole-ass emotional paragraph. I didn’t sleep at all that night, feeling overwhelmed, excited, and stupidly in love.

For a while, it was all butterflies and sparkles. Uk how First teen love is? Chutiyapa

Gradually, his interest started shifting. I saw it happen in real-time—his replies got drier, our conversations shorter. The same guy who once seemed obsessed with me now felt distant. It hurt. But I kept ignoring it, thinking, "Maybe it's just in my head." Ofcourse, It wasn’t.

Then came the breakup. My friends kept telling me, "All Delhi guys are the same, total f-boys." I got brainwashed, overthought everything, and eventually, I blocked him.

End of story, right? NOPE.

After some time, he came back. And guess what? I patched up with him. (Yes, yes, I know—major chutiya move.) But this time, something had changed. He was no longer the same person I had fallen for. Everything felt different, forced, and weird.

And before we could even meet IRL, we broke up. For good.

Moral of the Story?

If you think you're gonna marry your online LDR crush, STOP DREAMING.

This entire online relationship thing is pure delusion. Y’all chutpaglu out here romanticizing long-distance relationships—it’s not worth it. Sab ek saath breakup pe duboge Save yourself the heartbreak and touch some grass.