hey girls, I couldn't post this question on other subs because of karma or account is quite new so asking it here! (boys don't do your bakchodi in comments OK! just do one thing that is upvote this post for more responses from girls)

My bestfriend was suppose to get her period on 20 Feb, her last period was on 16 January! But it's still not here as it's 6 March today...she & I had pretty regular cycle, we never had any irregularities since our first periods!! She's healthy & fit, its not even the case like oh she's sick or anything like that.

Also her boards started from 18 February(its kind of tough for her to pay attention to her periods on every board exam day, like being extra careful of out of blue visit)!

Are her periods delayed because of stress? What might be the possible reason? Has this ever happened with girls here? Does she need to visit her gynaecologist?


People (here opp. gender for this case) on this sub, when they might not have any idea about particular thing then they just spam memes (i dont hate memes, but just needed quick answers)! I needed solution...sensible suggestions are welcomed (I didn't block boys who were helpful)

I just didn't wanted this post to get filled with memes, thankfully my post got the reach but I didn't expect it so wanted to keep it simple by garnering only girl's attention!!! Most of the serious posts here either don't get reach or memes are spamed in audience see the meme, upvote meme comment & post gets washed off within an hour!!