Pressure of Exams

Long before you know , the precise dates of the unfortunate demise of your happiness are inscribed . Yes, the dates of exams . Your zeal to learn that football skill, reading a book and embracing no fap ,skyrockets, two days before you realise you only have one.

But first things first : "Let me watch a movie to depress my already low arc" .

Downloading the timezone of my tear-bombs (datesheet, hehe) ,I brace myself for another unsuccessful and desperate attempt to extract the same information from my crush .Ignored.She must have been busy manifesting fake scenarios with me.

Dear me ,an afternoon nap is essential before you enagage in the ancient culture of lollygagging with the syllabus .But hey ,I never attended the classes so let me message my topper friend.The guy has access to supermundane tonics as he effortlessly remembers everything that the professor mumbled from a Youtube video. Let's go.

But, a notification

Your friend Deepanshu is inviting you to team up in BGMI

"NO" is a bug in Deepanshu's vocabulary and my head can not afford an injury before I destroy my exams.

One match turns into five, and I heroically maintain my 1.89 KD ratio, with the help of some bots, of course.

Now it's time for some business. I only have 20 hrs left for exam.Subtract 10 for my offline mode(sleep).Leaves me with a generous amount for panic attacks.

The plan?

Memorise two chapters(life savers) and borrow chits for 10 chapter from my washroom mates. My trajectory from 33% threshold might have a positive elevation point.

Exam time:

"Units and dimensions was already covered in Class test" my friend informs me

My two life savers got wiped out from the exam. Also,

I never understood why those washroom angels didn't bless me until I was reported that two 11th graders were caught with chits.

"Sakshi ,you have to love me for the sake of newton's third law." ,read the top of one of the chits.

I wish the poor guy never finds out that newton died single.

Well ,that's not all I learned ,a new piece of wisdom dawns upon me - "A single sheet of paper can't decide my future".

I need to sound philosophical before my father switches to belt after he glares at my hell's court card.