I met someone on reddit πŸ˜­πŸ’

Hey I'm 19 F met a guy (19 M) through reddit... Damn I'm just so thankful to God for sending him in my life... I was at my lowest point in my life... He came out of nowhere... We played games together... He lit healed me! He's my lucky charm πŸ§ΏπŸ˜­πŸ’ I was going through lots of backlash but his presence lit healed me! I didn't know he liked me... Because I don't have any intention like that... But my friend asked him about it he said yes I like her... And that was the moment made me rethink! Yeah I like him too πŸ₯... I was very depressed... Due to my past but recent breakup... Family issues career issue... Strange and unexpected Meets are best... I don't talk to boys that much but he lit survived without getting blocked... Ik he'll read this post... (I like you πŸ‘€) And thank you for coming into my life and holding me when I was hopeless and not not willing to live anymore... To be more precise you saved me!

TLDR; I met a reddit guy... We played... He fell for me I fell for him... He's my lucky charm... He saved me!

Touch wood!