“Feelin' the squeeze, aren’t ya, laddie?!”

Gohan:YAAAAAAHHH squeak

Bojack:Wait, was that you?! THAT'S A RIOT!

Gohan:AAAAAAAGGGH! squeak

King Kai:Oh, he’s doing that too now?

Goku:Heh, that kid. A strip off the old Baconwich.

Gohan:DAAAAH! squeak

Gohan:YAAAAAAHHH squeak

Bojack:Wait, was that you?! THAT'S A RIOT!

Gohan:AAAAAAAGGGH! squeak

King Kai:Oh, he’s doing that too now?

Goku:Heh, that kid. A strip off the old Baconwich.

Gohan:DAAAAH! squeak