Oh my..?
Alright guys.. for my own sake I woke spill my age but my 7th period TA(teachers assistant) is (M35). Ever since he has showed up on our class I've had an eye on him. I would always look forward to seeing him and id get upset when he wasn't there. He seems to speak to me alot in class when given a chance and we have made eye contact a few times..~. Friday we have probably spoken more than any day and i there's something that happened that I can't get out of my head. Here's how the conversation went
Me: yapping "I was scared my mom would go through my phone but she didn't" Him: you got some spicy stuff in there? 🤨😅 Me: silence... *Puts my head down for a moment "ANYWAYS"
That's basically how it went and then he was teasing me like "ahh you're too young don't grow up too fast". AND THE FACT THAT HE HAD THE BALLS TO EVEN SAY "SPICY STUFF". Anyways I can't get over this man he's not even that cute but idk. I had a weird dream about him dude uhm. Any advice or comments pls reply or dm me