Theory crafting new detachment with Taunar

The new detachment gives the Taunar quite a juicy buff when it comes to its breakpoints on its weapons. The top mounted guns with the experimental weapons strat get really juicy when it's ap 1 without the need to guide. The Nexus missiles get ap 4 at Strength 9 2 dmg while the Pulse ordnance drivers get ap 2 on its already powerful guns. But the real change is the 6 extra inches for the fusion eradicators for a 15 inch melta instead of 12. Add to that the breakpoint of it being strength 11 instead of 10 meaning you can start hitting medium toughness vehicles like vindicators on 4s instead of 5s. The burst cannons and SMS bays get real juicy with that extra Ap and strength that it becomes decent chaff clear than incidental shots. It's too bad the wound regen is locked to battlesuits only instead of all vehicles. This all comes in to play without the need to guide the Taunar for that extra AP and it's at all ranges instead of being really close like other detachments