Losing motivation to create every day. Need guidance

Hey all. Looking for some guidance here. Been tattooing for 3.5 years. I’ve been comfortably booked 2-3 months for years. Clients seek out my style of work and I have no complaints as far as booking.

This issue is the lack of desire to create something dope every single day. I tend to wake up a few hours before my appt for the day and get my design ready the morning of. Lately as soon as I wake up, I feel this overwhelming dread of coming up with a piece. You could call it writers block i guess. I get in my head and nothings good enough. From the minute I get up, my mind starts working in weird ways trying to figure out an excuse to reschedule. Usually I can get past this and push through but the past two weeks have been rough.

All of my pieces include Linework of different line weights and stipple shading. It’s now a checklist in my head and it’s makes the art quite dull. First thicker lines, next thinner lines, next break, next shading. Just getting a bit redundant. Not sure if I want to venture out of this style though. It’s the money maker for me.

The day in and day out of meeting new people or old clients and hoping they like my design is taxing as well. I’m too self critical. It’s rare clients want me to redesign but it’s fucking stressful leading up to it.

I care a lot about how the tattoo is done and am absolutely against going in just for the paycheck. Sometimes I wish I was more money motivated to just go in, get it done, and roll out. Money is good but that’s not the issue either.

I’m at a point where I’m considering a different line of work. What I have going now is good and people dream to be in my position but mentally I’m drained. I just took myself back to 4 days a week instead of 5 but I have 2.5 months of appts to push through until that’s in effect.

Wondering if any of you have been in this position and what you did to push through. I’m getting desperate and it’s affecting my mental state beyond belief. Thanks for reading and hopefully the support I’m looking for. Let me know if you have questions.