Bf has another woman, what action should I take toward him?
So, he has someone else in his life. He lied and said it was a guy at first. I think he's been sneaky about it even though we agreed to an open relationship. I don't trust him, but I want to make it work.
I interpret the cards as I need face some uncomfortable truths (judgement) about myself and about his intentions because this is a karmic lesson involving ending a cycle (the world) with him without having any uncomfortable confrontations (5 of wands) about having to compete for him but rather an open discussion to gain some closure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Ok Tarot by Adam J Kurtz
So, he has someone else in his life. He lied and said it was a guy at first. I think he's been sneaky about it even though we agreed to an open relationship. I don't trust him, but I want to make it work.
I interpret the cards as I need face some uncomfortable truths (judgement) about myself and about his intentions because this is a karmic lesson involving ending a cycle (the world) with him without having any uncomfortable confrontations (5 of wands) about having to compete for him but rather an open discussion to gain some closure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Ok Tarot by Adam J Kurtz