Tanas first stalker is my cousin
So tana has had this ongoing story where she claimed he was her stalker, she first name dropped him a few years ago and recently on snap posted his elementary picture blocking out his last name 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love telling people this cause its so funny but its all bait he literally never stalked her its so funny she sent my uncle an off center bleach and tone case and a heffner shirt when i was in middle school. I saw her in va when she came for tour and i have pictures and his elementary shirt to prove this but no he’s a normal ass guy living his life people almost found his first twitter account one time when she first name dropped him
if you want pics for proof the instagram is besttweetscauseisayso
please remember that you don’t personally know me, tana, or my cousin i made this to spread awareness because i know him i grew up with him and he never stalked her, its just to keep the story alive and im guessing she chose him for bait because he isnt famous so its hard to figure out who he is