How do you feel about seeing a pregnant person at the club?
Hello. Long time lurker, first time poster. My husband (32m) and I (28f) have been around the swingers block a “few” times and we have a lot of fun.
However in the 6 years that we’ve been in the lifestyle together, I have gotten pregnant with our first and second child. So what I want to know is, how do you (the other swingers) feel when you see a pregnant person at the club? (We haven’t found any local parties, just clubs.)
We went a few times before I was showing with #1 and soft swapped only because I was being a bit more careful about stds and things like utis. Before pregnancy, we were fine to full swap or whatever. Later in that pregnancy, we had the opportunity to go to this huge Halloween party (it was so expensive). We didn’t do anything, but I was so horny. I was staring at everyone.
With #2, I have felt gross and assumed that I shouldn’t go because it’s too taboo. Nobody ever particularly made me feel that way, but we were not approached on Halloween when I was visibly pregnant.
Obviously we are also a bit on the young side for the crowd. At least the local one. We rarely get to play because I think some think we are too young for them, and some of them are for sure a bit too old for us (truly no offense, I’m happy we are all there and I love making friends with the established couples!). Any and all thoughts welcome.
Edit to add a comment I made: I have not seen it posted before. At least not this way. In fact most commenters seem to be misunderstanding my post entirely. I am not asking will people play with us. I made it pretty clear I didn’t play once I was showing.
What I am asking is how do they feel about a pregnant person being around? Is it a turn off? Does it make people uncomfortable? Are people judging pregnant women for being in that environment because there is a fetus inside them? How would I be perceived? I literally started my post with I feel gross this time, and I don’t really want to be in a place where I would feel gross AND kill the vibe.
The reason I mention us being pretty young was to just point out that we are still in the years where we will be having children. And to give an idea of our local scene (being older except at the holidays). Hope that clears that up.