Social dancing with partner
I am curious about people’s thoughts and experiences on swing dancing with their partner around.
Long story short, my boyfriend and I both swing dance, but I’ve noticed that leads on our scene stopped asking me to dance nearly as much since we started dating. Meanwhile, he is still very in demand as a lead, but I also feel like some other follows started being unfriendly toward me since we started dating as well.
I feel like there are a lot of gender differences at play here and don’t want it to ruin swing dancing for me, but it’s just not a fun dynamic for me lately. I worry that leads only wanted to dance with me because they had other things in mind when I was single, and that other follows have similar reasons for wanting to dance with my boyfriend still. He and I are just in it to enjoy swing dancing, and I want to get back to enjoying a shared hobby.
Does anyone have helpful thoughts, similar experiences, or advice on how to enjoy it again like I used to?