8 lane vs 6 lane pool

Our local YMCA is raising money for a new facility (including a brand new aquatics facility) and they have only budgeted for a 6 lane pool. Since we have 2 different high schools (and a small club team) that use that pool for practice and meets, and as a retired 10-year competitive swimmer, I strongly feel like we need an 8 lane pool instead of 6. The YMCA is saying they are fine with 6 and to add the extra 2 lanes it will cost between $300,000 and $500,000 extra. If we raise it, however, they are fine adding it to the project.

I have NO clue how to raise that much money for the project, but I feel like it is important to do...am I crazy? Is a 6 lane pool okay? Does anybody know of any resources I can turn to for help? Somebody I asked just told me to find 10,000 people to donate $50 and i'm there...apparently ITS JUST THAT EASY.