First swimming lesson

Hi all!

Any first lesson tips?

I am a newly qualified swimmig teacher (im 17 male) and i have my trial lesson on Wednesday 25th. It is a very small swimming pool, only me and another tecaher/my manager. The deal was that i first assist her with her lesson, and then if everything goes fine, i can teach the next lesson.

I both feel like its gonna be great and i have the knowledge from my training, but, at thesame time i am nervous, like, 6 out of 10 nervous. And, i know its stupid to say " i want it to be easy" because, first time is never easy, but, maybe there are some things you guys found calming or reasuring when you were counting days until your first lesson?

I made myself 3 lesson plans for 3 swimming levels (Its a level 1 to 3 private swim school).

And, theres this feeling like theres somethign im missing...

I have no idea what thoes kids are like, how good they are at swimming, what they know and ehat they don't.

My apologies if this question/ comment is out context, i just want everything to go smooth on my first day...